The Must-Have Guide to Brownstone Restoration with Dream Construction NYC: From the Facade to Finishing Touches

Brooklyn’s brownstones are iconic to the city’s landscape. Owning a brownstone is special for its timeless beauty, but it also comes with a great responsibility to preserve the historic charm and the craftsmanship.

Brownstone Restoration Needs

As brownstone becomes exposed to pollutants, and weathering and experiences general wear and great, brownstones will need restoration and repair work. Some of these specific works include brownstone facade restoration, stoop restoration, cornice repair and restoration, masonry work, and ironworks such as painting window grills, fences, and stoop railings.  Dream Construction NYC offers detailed and quality facade restoration services, and stoop restoration services including cleaning, repointing, and repairing damaged brownstone elements. Dream Construction’s attention to detail and commitment to quality craftsmanship will result in refreshing your brownstone with original charm.

Brownstone Facade Restoration Process

The brownstone facade restoration involves chipping off the top layer of the existing brownstone, applying the new scratch coat, and reapplying the brownstone layers. The process may take 7 to 10 months and the result is a brand new facade that maintains the building’s original character.

Stoop Restoration

Another important part of brownstone maintenance is stoop restoration. The process to stoop restoration is the same approach as the facade restoration but it typically takes 2 to 4 months.


The intricate ironwork adds to the brownstone aesthetic and needs maintenance as well. The stoop railings, fences, and gates require regular painting and maintenance. The work involves scraping off the old paint, sanding the surface, applying a primer and finishing with two coats of paint.

Cleaning Tips

To maintain a clean and nice appearance of a brownstone, regular cleaning is essential. Power washing is generally recommended, though hand washing is advisable for damaged or weak brownstone. For stubborn stains, a highly diluted muriatic acid solution can also be used.

Repair vs. Restoration

It is important to know if your brownstone requires repair vs a restoration. Brownstone facade repair or stoop repairs are a targeted approach to focus on damaged areas, and full restoration involves redoing the entire facade or stoop for a brand new look.

If you are considering any brownstone projects whether it be full brownstone restoration project or simple repair work, it is important to reach out to experienced professionals who understand each step of the brownstone restoration project. Dream Construction NYC is a trusted and leading partner who can provide you with invaluable services for your brownstone.

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